Juliet Thornton


Juliet welcomes you to the clinic with a wealth of Customer service experience and is fully trained to assist clients in the use of the Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber.

In a former life, Juliet worked in the Private school’s sector as a Marketing and Admissions Director and International student consultant, she is also a qualified and experienced florist. Juliet feels the aches and pains of arthritis and experienced an aggressive menopause – with anxiety and brain fog becoming debilitating at times.  All her health issues have benefitted from the regular use of HBOT.

Juliet has been running the clinic for over two years, gaining first hand knowledge and experience from supporting clients with a wide range of conditions; she is empathetic and helps put all clients at ease.

Curious to know more – give her a call on 07971 926213 to book a 1:1 Consultation.